Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Creating a hard link to a directory/folder in mac os

Install Piffle: 

   brew install coreutils

The you can just create the link: 

    sudo gln -d existing_dir new_hard_link

Deleting is a different story: if you go about it the usual way to delete directories, you'll delete the contents. So you must "unlink" the directory:
    unlink  new_hard_link


  1. Got this working on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 with a few caveats:
    1) creating the hard link for a directory (even sudo) will fail -unless- the hard link is made in another directory. e.g.:
    sudo gln -d existing_dir test/existing_dir_hardlink
    2) removal of the hard linked directory requires sudo, and prefixing "g" for the homebrew version of the unlink command (per the homebrew notes after installing coreutils: "Commands also provided by macOS have been installed with the prefix "g""). e.g.:
    sudo gunlink test/existing_dir_hardlink

    Thanks for those who contributed the efforts to homebrew to get directory hard links working!

    1. Also, the directory you are creating the hard link in must already exist.
